6 декабря 2018 г.

The Beatles - Indiana State Fair & Montreal - 1st US Tour 1964 (1CD With OBI Strip)

The Beatles - Indiana State Fair & Montreal - 1st US Tour 1964 (1CD With OBI Strip)


Indiana State Fair Coliseum, Indianapolis In USA 3 Sep 1964. 
Montreal Forum, Montreal Quebec, Canada 8 Sept 1964. 

Digitally Remastered

In February 1964 Epstein ‘s strategy was taken to suppress the exposure and raise the feeling of hunger for the fan by only two performances and television appearances, which is the only time in February 1964. And in the summer nationwide tour which will be the second visit to the United States, in contrast to that, I spent a live time almost every day from August 19th to September 20th on a daily schedule every day. This hard schedule chooses a big venue instead of reducing the number the following year, resulting in a legendary concert such as a share stadium. This work, coupled with the national tour from the beginning of 1964, couples two performances of the September 8 Montreal performance in addition to the September 3 Indianapolis performance. Also this time, as with the previous series, using the Rogener Sauce of the famous collector collection, realized a remarkable improvement in sound quality compared with the original disk. In addition, tapes more than 40 years old tend to be unstable in regeneration, the pitch which was released so far was slightly inaccurate, but it was adjusted to ± 0 as much as possible, due to fatigue of the master tape We will remove the distortion etc. as much as possible and reproduce the performance of the Beatles as it was able to listen at the venue at the time.

The first half includes September 3, 1964 Indianapolis performance. Beginning with the introduction of the DJ of the local radio station that recorded this sound source, John greeted “Hello” towards the microphone, Paul told the count high and “Twist And Shout” began. The tone of John’s voice is also good, that rock and roll voice bursts. Depending on the show, it is John who is playing and not singing properly, but this Indianapolis is singing to Majima to the standard. Also, the feature of this day will be its good sound quality. As a sound source from the North American tour of 1964, there are notable Hollywood bowls, as well as well-known performances such as whiskey flat and Vancouver, but even though Hollywood Bowl, which was officially recorded, is an exception, this Indianapolis is an outgoing sound source Among them, it will belong to the highest category. The balance of sound, the omission of treble, the sound of bass, which is very impeccable high sound quality. Unfortunately it is a point that the second half of the last “Long Tall Sally” is barely cut, but it can be said that it is a full source of attractive spirit which supplements its shortcomings.

In the latter half, September 8, 1964 Montreal performance was recorded. This is a precious excavated sound source in recent years, a valuable concert in Montreal that I could not know until now. Although the sound quality does not reach Indianapolis, it probably was recorded at the local radio station, this is also recorded as a soundboard sound source. It is close to Indianapolis and day, and also Canadian performance, so we can listen to the momentum playing. The MC of French must also freshly respond to the maniac collecting the Beatles’ concert. Unfortunately the two songs “I Want To Hold Your Hand” and “Long Tall Sally” that were supposed to be played have not been unveiled so far, but all the existing ones are recorded.

Around the North American for almost a month on hard schedule, the enthusiasm for the rest of the world is still handed down as a legend and is important in the history of the Beatles, the first national tour in the summer of 1964. Among them, Indianapolis prototypes protruding both in sound quality and performance, coupled with Montreal performance unearthed in recent years. Both performances are suitable contents for decision boards such as sound quality and pitch adjustment. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed press. Japanese style attaching.

1964年2月の初渡米はわずか2公演とテレビ出演のみという、あえて露出を抑えファンの飢餓感を煽るというエプスタインの戦略がとられた。そして二度目の渡米となる夏の全米ツアーは、それとは対照的に連日過密スケジュールで8月19日から9月20日までの一か月間を、ほぼ休みなくライブで過ごした。このハードな日程が翌年に本数を減らす代わりに大会場を選択、その結果シェアスタジアムなどの伝説的なコンサートが生まれることになる。本作はその1964年初の全米ツアーより、9月3日インディアナポリス公演に加え、9月8日モントリオール公演の2公演をカップリングしている。 今回も、今までのシリーズ同様、有名コレクター所蔵のロージェネ・ソースを使用し、既発盤と比べ格段の音質アップを実現。さらに40年以上前のテープは再生が不安定になりがちで、今までリリースされていたものは若干ピッチが不正確でしたが、可能な限り±0に調整し、またマスターテープの疲労に起因する歪み等も出来る限り取り除き、当時の会場で聴くことが出来たビートルズの演奏そのままを再現します。

前半は1964年9月3日インディアナポリス公演を収録。この音源を収録した地元ラジオ局のDJの紹介から始まり、ジョンがマイクに向かって“ハロー”と挨拶、ポールが高らかにカウントを告げて「Twist And Shout」が始まる。ジョンの声の調子も良く、あのロックンロール・ヴォイスが炸裂。公演によってはふざけたり、きちんと歌っていなかったりするジョンであるが、このインディアナポリスはスタンダードにマジメに歌っている。また、この日の特長はなんといっても音質の良さであろう。1964年の北米ツアーからの音源としては、ハリウッドボウルはもちろん、ウイスキーフラットやバンクーバーなど音の良い有名な公演があるが、公式にレコーディングされたハリウッドボウルは別格としても、このインディアナポリスは流出音源の中でも最高の部類に入るであろう。音のバランス、高音の抜け、低音の響き、どれをとっても非の打ちどころのない高音質である。残念なのは最後の「Long Tall Sally」の後半がわずか切れている点であるが、その欠点を補ってありあまる魅力にあふれた音源と言える。

後半は1964年9月8日モントリオール公演を収録している。これは近年になり発掘された音源で、今まで知ることが出来なかった貴重なモントリオールでのコンサートである。音質はインディアナポリスに及ばないが、おそらく地元ラジオ局で収録されたのであろう、こちらもサウンドボード音源で収録されている。インディアナポリスと日も近く、またカナダ公演ということもあって、勢いのある演奏に耳を奪われる。フランス語のMCも、ビートルズのコンサートを収集しているマニアにとっては新鮮に響くに違いない。残念ながら演奏されたであろう「I Want To Hold Your Hand」と「Long Tall Sally」の2曲は今のところ発掘されていないが、現存する全てを収録している。


Indiana State Fair Coliseum Indianapolis U.S.A. Sep 3, 1964
01 Jerry Baker Introduction
02 Twist and Shout
03 You Can’t Do That
04 All My Loving
05 She Loves You
06 Things We Said Today
07 Roll Over Beethoven
08 Can’t Buy Me Love
09 If I Fell
10 I Wanna Hold Your Hand
11 Boys
12 Hard Day’s Night
13 Long Tall Sally

Montreal Forum Montreal Quebec Canada Sep 8, 1964
14 Twist and Shout
15 You Can’t Do That
16 All My Loving
17 She Loves You
18 Things We Said Today
19 Roll Over Beethoven
20 Can’t Buy Me Love
21 If I Fell
22 Boys
23 Hard Day’s Night

Misterclaudel. MCCD-076

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