16 октября 2018 г.

The Beatles - Help Film Outtakes (1DVD With OBI Strip)

The Beatles - Help Film Outtakes (1DVD With OBI Strip)


The Lost Beatles Film From The Movie. Digitally Remastered

A must-have mania M more valuable film collection than Claudel · label. Beatles’ second movie “Help! It is a valuable film which will be released for the first time recording the shooting scenery of 4 people idle “. A valuable picture that I have never seen before recording a movie landscape and outtake film. Speaking of the scenery of help shooting, what was distributed to a group special member for a long time is known, but what recorded in this work is completely different from that, the Beatles at that time and the appearance around it are copied It is a film which will be completely released by beautiful color images made.

It is impressive that the scenery at the moving airport, the Beatles members take pictures with individual cameras. Shooting at the snowy mountain, feeling relaxed with the staff and performers, kaeri! The guru of smile smiled smiling while smiling at the camera gaze. The appearance that the members of the Beatles repeats the same scene many times also makes it possible for each member to enjoy enjoying shooting, especially John’s smile is impressive. It probably includes shots that actually captured scenes that were used in movies with different cameras, and you know the preciousness of this film. There are scenes in which the prairie scene is cold or a pole breathes in his hands.

Furthermore, in the coastal scene, Paul is burst out laughing for some reason in the state of the waiting Beatles and girls in swimsuit appearance, Director Leicester taking a picture with lying down from the bottom, performance scenes at rocky place. The state of the fans at the airport when the shooting is over is the first time I feel welcome as if it is Yarase. It is interesting that it seems that behind the scenes was seen that the Kuroko of a lot of Beatles were talking about in the scene of Ikkiyama.

Furthermore, in addition to the first appearance film, the film concerning the movie “Help!” Is recorded in this work. First of all it is a promo film of “Help”. This is a clean version that darts will not catch. Furthermore, although this is not so well known, there are differences in the editing of cameras between the images actually danced by the darts streamed at the beginning of the movie and the promotional film, the difference being not just the presence or absence of darts. In order to understand the difference, the video which made it compare with the promo film used in the movie is recorded. Although it is a slight difference, since the image of another take is obviously used depending on the screen, it can be said that the fact that it was taken multiple times at the same time.

The movie “Help! The Beatles fan essential title that recorded the first valuable film of the ultra precious shooting scenes of the four people idle “. The young Beatles are moving with a vivid color, there will be no fans who do not get impressed watching this. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed press.


移動の空港での風景、ビートルズのメンバーが個々にカメラを携えて写真を撮って いるのが印象的である。雪山での撮影は、スタッフや出演者と一緒にくつろぐ様子、カ イーリ!の教祖様がにっこりカメラ目線でタバコを吸っているのには笑ってしまう。ビートルズのメンバーが何度も同じシーンを繰り返す様子も、それぞれのメンバーが楽しんで撮影に臨んでいるのが伺える、特にジョンの笑顔が印象的である。おそらく実際に映画で使われたシーンを別カメラでとらえたようなショットも含まれており、このフィルムの貴重度がわかるというもの。草原のシーンでは寒いのかポールがかじかんだ手に息を吹きかけるシーンもある。


さらに本作には、初登場フィルム以外にも、映画「ヘルプ!」に関する映像が収録 されている。まずは「ヘルプ」のプロモフィルム。これはダーツがささらないクリーン・バージョンである。さらにこれはあまり知られていないことだが、実際に映画の冒頭で流されるダーツがささる映像と、プロモフィルムとはカメラの編集に違いが見られ、相違点は単にダーツの有無だけではない。その違いが分かるよう、映画で使われたプロモフィルムと見比べられるようにした映像が収録されている。わずかな違いであるが、画面によっては明らかに別テイクの映像が使われているので、同時に複数回撮影されたという事実が伺える。


01. 8mm Film #1
02. 8mm Film #2
03. 8mm Film #3
04. Help Promo Clip
05. Help Promo Clip comparison with the movie version
06. Making Of HELP news reels

Misterclaudel. MCDVD-32

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